Happy New Year 2011 and Apologizes for not Keeping in Touch

Hello, I want to first apologize for not keeping in touch with you for the last four months.  The last non-YouTube post was posted in September.  I was very busy with my school work, not staying up late enough on some evenings to do the things I want to get accomplished, and not keeping in touch with my friends, including you.  Typically, I am not a social person, and I thought it was unneccessary to post updates on this website when I had six hours or more of high pressure homework to complete within a day. 

YouTube is doing phenomenal!  In my next post, you will see a time lapse video of a winter snow system I took in early December.  It has already viewed nearly 200 times as of New Year’s Eve.  Otherwise, I have not made/uploaded other videos since late October.

Earlier this month, I started making my own virtual city on a Facebook (the most popular website of 2010 next to Google) called “Social City”  This game is very addicting, and I sometimes I can spend upwards of an hour playing the game. 

For Christmas, I got a few gift cards that can be used for XBOX Live Accessories, such as a keypad and a headset.  This means, I will be playing my XBOX a lot more often into the second semester, which means it will be harder for me to keep you updated throughout 2011. 

I will try keep you updated as best as I can as I try to socialize more often. 

Otherwise, have a safe and Happy New Year!

YouTube Hilltop Intro

Hello, everyone! First, I need to apologize for not keeping in touch with you since late September. I have been very busy with my academic life at Purdue, and my professors have pushed me to the point that making posts here and making YouTube videos are unimportant. In addition, I have been living in a pre-midnight bedtime schedule, which means every night, I have been going to bed before midnight. I think I need to stay up an hour or two later on the weekends so that I can keep in touch with you.

Next, in this video above, I explained why I am officially attending Purdue and where do I live on campus so that people would know where I am recording my future YouTube videos on campus. Enjoy the video.


On Tuesday, September 21, I socialized with a few ladies from Owen Hall that I should attend a party. That’s when I decided to make my own party with anyone from the Purdue campus invited. This party is called Octobermusicfest, and the people who attend can enjoy music blasting from my new iHome and free food and drinks will be in front of the dance floor (or driveway area). It will be held outside of my apartment (Hilltop Apartments Building 19–20 area) on Friday, October 29th from 7-11 pm. For party goers, it will be a kick-off of their late night partying, and for many it is to celebrate the start of Halloween weekend. Come out and dance at the top of the hill almost on the northernmost part of Purdue University.

The First Uploaded YouTube Videos at Hilltop

Hello, everyone! Here are my first uploaded videos from my computer at Hilltop Apartments inside Purdue University. They were recorded from my house since I made about 8-12 videos over the summer break. I am going to uploaded two more videos that were recorded from my house before I start making and uploading videos recorded from Purdue University.

In these videos, watch and listen the thunder and lightning from my house.

College Can Mean Some Overnight to Almost All-Nighters

Here I am making a post at 12:30 in the morning.  Why?  Boiler Gold Rush (BGR) is in full swing, and I will be very busy between 8:00 am to 11:30 pm or LATER!  At Hilltop Apartments, it takes me about 30 minutes to get ready for bed.  That means if I am home after 11:30 pm, I will not be in bed until midnight or later.  I try to avoid doing that.  However, there is something that I just need more time.  This evening, that something is setting an alarm for tomorrow’s activities.  The alarm clock I use is an iHome for 2nd generation iPod nano at latest.  It also features an AM/FM radio.  The sound system did not work, and it was 11:55 pm already when I started.  By the time I had to start activating my plan B, it was already midnight.  Five minutes is not enough many times.  Sometimes, it could take as much as 10-15 minutes.  Therefore, events ending at 11:30 pm or later is almost like promising a bedtime after midnight, and that is if I go straight to bed.  I have e-mails, Facebook, Twitter, TV, and other things to do before I say, “Time to hit the covers”.  Unfortunately, these 11:30 pm or later ending events won’t stop until Thursday evening.  In fact, the events on Monday-Wednesday won’t end ’til as late as 2:00 am!  I won’t be planning on staying until 2:00 am, but expect at least midnight, maybe 1:00 am.  Wednesday’s events won’t end ’til midnight.  That’s a definite promise to not go to sleep ’til after 1:00 am.  By the end of this week, I may be very well be sleeping in well after 9:45 am the weekend after BGR.  I don’t typically sleep in after 10 am, but that could very well happen this week. 

Well, I guess that is part of college life.  Virtually, almost everybody does not go to bed ’til at least 11:00 pm.  Many of them do not go to bed ’til after 2:00 am.  Some people stay up all-night and sleep-in the next day.

That sum up one thing, “Welcome to college.  You are going to be REALLY sleep deprived.”  In fact, college age students aged 18-24 are the most sleep deprived age group in America.

Well, I will chat with you later here.  Have a nice day or evening if it is nighttime.

Purdue University Coverage Begins Now!

If this is your first time here, welcome to my website, thewsnc.com, where anything in the Ponsler life lives here!  I am officially at Purdue University for attending Boiler Gold Rush (BGR), a week long freshmen orientation with fun activities and get to know the campus before the fall classes start the following Monday.  Life will be very busy for me as I will be taking five courses (16 credit hours) this fall.  This is also my first time since I went to Hawaii in November ’07 that I get to only hang out with my (new) friends without my parents around.  I will (try to) keep in touch with you here, Facebook, and YouTube throughout the next four years at Purdue University-West Lafayette, and I hope you enjoy your day (or evening if it is nighttime).

Tip: If you are my family member, PLEASE FAVORITE THIS WEBSITE (AS WELL AS YOUTUBE {search: Wayalula2010 on YouTube}).

Severe Weather Alert – June 2010

June 2010 was an active month. I graduated from Twin Lakes High School on June 6, 2010. Plus, there was a lot of severe weather. I made changes on the videos because I am using Windows Live Movie Maker since I got my labtop for Purdue. There is a nice logo in the beginning and rolling credits with music in the end. Furthermore, there was a severe weather alert warning slide, which alerts people when there is severe weather coverage in the middle of the video. The Waystralia Social Network Channel had its first 1,000 view video on June 30 because people want to watch the Gulf of Mexico oil spill coverage. However, they did not want to watch the severe weather coverage, and it showed in ratings and hits. As of January 21, 2011, LinTV pulled the plug for this video due to copyright infringment. On the flip-side, these are the latest YouTube videos as of July 26, 2010. Enjoy the severe weather coverage by pressing the play button on the screen.

Like A Real Movie, Unscripted

Except for one YouTube video taken in December, every YouTube video had a caption at the beginning of the movie without music and had rolling credits in the end with music.  It’s almost similar to a real movie.  However, they are all UNSCRIPTED!  I experimented out if unscripted means more views.  It turned out to be the opposite as all but two videos, the ones taken in 2009, are still as of this writing under 70 views.  If you are looking for a great YouTube video to watch that has not been viewed much, these videos are the videos to watch!  You DON’T even need a YouTube account.  Enjoy watching them!

Oh by the way, I signed up for Facebook in December 2009.  These videos have made it on Facebook under the links section if you are my friend on Facebook.  In addition, I started using my 5th generation iPod digital camera for my YouTube videos that I bought on November 14, 2009.


The News On Waystralia Social Network Channel Premiere

In September 2009, I made a YouTube video about how people are finding my YouTube videos.  They were viewed in several social networking sites, including Facebook, which at the time I did not have an account.  Therefore, the News On MySpace.com/waystralia On YouTube became the News On Waystralia Social Network Channel.  In addition, music was added at the beginning of the video.  Unfortunately, many people did not want the pictures of my friends on there.  Therefore, a revised version of this video was uploaded October 4, 2009.  This happened during the peak of my busy schedule in marching band season.  Again, please click on the play button to watch the video.